What are Dynamic Search Ads?

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) are advertisements that are automatically generated for you by AdWords. These advertisements are based on the content of your website. This means you do not have to keep up lists of keywords or landing pages.

Dynamic Search Ads work best for websites with a lot of content. But if you often adjust the content on your website then DSAs are also unfit for your website because updates are not immediately detected.

Why employ DSA?

Dynamic Search Ads can also help find new insights when it comes to keywords. Google automatically determines which search should generate an advertisements and therefore does not look at keywords. With this it is possible to find new keywords where you otherwise wouldn’t have thought you could.

What do DSA campaigns yield?

HolidayCheck is a German website that reviews holiday occasions. Through the use of Dynamic Search Ads they have seen their conversions and sales numbers rise by 15%. On top of that they have 50% lower cost per click compared to the rest of the keyword portfolios. [case study]

Case Study: HolidayCheck
Case Study: HolidayCheck

What is needed to start with DSA?

To get the maximum out of Dynamic Search Ads it is important to choose which landing pages get scanned. Google searches for keywords based on the landing pages.

Though DSA campaigns are automated, you still have a lot of control over the advertisements and targeting. It is also very important to set up negative keywords. These are there so that DSA doesn’t start scoring on keywords that are found on your website but aren’t relevant. For this we use our negative keyword tool.