This Privacy Policy describes how Google CSS Partner ("the app") collects and uses data which is downloaded from the Shopify store you collect.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

Information we read from your store

  1. Shop data - email, phone, name, owner, shopify plan, etc.
  2. Product and collection data - titles, prices, images, market prices, translations, shipping information, etc. Product data might be partly publish to our CSS platform, ShopXYZ, as required by Google.


Cookies are used to identify your access token to the app. Basically only owners which have access to the store and can access the app are allowed to access the app.

Customer / personal data

We do not read, collect or store shop's customer data.

Information we write to your store

The app doen not update any information in the store.

Data Retention

We do not cache any data. Only product statistics are stored.

Shop data is kept in our database, together with all the feed settings in case the app is reinstalled.

You may ask us to remove the shop data if you don't want to keep the settings.


Please contact us if you have any question about this policy.